Loudspeaker Design
Andy Lewis rev 07/18/2011
Over the past 40+ years, I have developed a methodology for the design of loudspeakers. I went from pad and paper, to sliderule, to scientific calculator, to Appleworks (prodos) to Excel. I still use Excel.
My work is based primarily on the foundation given to us by Richard Small, D. B. Keele, Isaac Newton, and James Clerk Maxwell. I don’t claim any credit for the tremendous contributions of these geniuses, but I am in a position to present their insights in a ruthlessly practical frame, informed by many years of experience, and an acquired expertise in applying their work to real-world loudspeakers.
Some of what I present here is purely illustrative and theoretical. Some of it can be used to help you design an actual loudspeaker, but what you see here is not what I use personally, just stripped-down illustrations of what I do.
I will add content to this section of the website, time permitting. I have a lot of similar-looking sheets which model crossover performance based on complex impedances and numbers, Zobel networks, parameter measurement, back EMF, trap filters, you name it.
Why do you think it takes me so long to get my work done? Duh!
I’ve thought about selling some of this software, but making my spreadsheets as user-friendly and intuitive as possible, has proven to be time-consuming. If anybody expresses an interest, I might go there. In the meantime, I’m just giving you enough to tease you. But you can have fun with what you see here if you’re a speaker nerd.
Here’s what I have for you so far:
Spreadsheets to Model Sealed Enclosures
Spreadsheets to Model Vented Enclosures
Spreadsheet to Evaluate Specific Woofer in Sealed or Vented Enclosure (This is a tool you can use right now.)
Here are some things I’m hoping to upload soon: