Review of Low B Systems Appears in "Bass Player:"
Scott Malandrone, Technical Editor of "Bass Player" magazine, did an extensive test of our "Low B-2" and "Low B-4" systems, and has written a detailed "Equipment Profile" which appeared in the November, 1996 issue. Is it a rave review? Frankly, we're very pleased at his reaction to our products, but you'll have to read it for yourself.

View "Bass Player" Review from 11/96 issue   text only

Photos and Graphics: (They take a while to load, and aren't reproduced very well, so they're listed in order of importance.)

Chart Showing Ratings in One-Through-Five Diagrams (looks better printed out-shows perfect 25-of-25 for B-2, and 24-of-25 for B-4)
Photo 3: B-4 Back, Side, Attenuators
Photo 2: Box Interior Including Crossover
Photo 1: B-4 and B-2 Side-by Side
Specifications (Easier to read from Acme Flyer)

Bass Player Magazine's Website

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