"...You may never go back to your old cabinets again."
Scott Malandrone, "Bass Player" magazine, 11/96.

Welcome to the Acme Sound Home Page.
Rev 6/9/00. Andy Lewis

Be advised that much of this site is obsolete at this time, due to the recent and ongoing introduction or our new "Series II" models, including our overdue Low B-1 1x10" model.

At this time I am making some quick revisions to the site to prevent utter uselessness. On this page you can see some pictures of the new models were quickly taken for the site only. At a later date, when new promotional materials are made, we'll provide something slightly more polished. Don't hold your breath.

Click here to see a description of the differences between the new Series II systems and our traditional models.

Click here to see the prices. 

Click pictures of speakers to view specifications.

Our Flagship: the Original [IMAGE]Acme Low B-2  System (Series II)
Attention Bassists and Keyboard Players!

As time has gone by, I've managed to clean up this website a little bit! I plan to add more material, time permitting. Please return periodically to check for revisions and current waiting times.
NEW!   [IMAGE]Acme Low B-1 Series II System

 [IMAGE]Acme Low B-4 Series II System

Please let me know if there's any information you'd like which can't be found here.

Andy Lewis
Acme Sound Ltd

Site Contents:

Low B-2 and Low B-4 are registered trademarks of Acme Sound Ltd